Impact: 2020

LOL this is good stuff. Re-reading this in the fall of 2022 is a treasure. What an optimistic start to the year! Poor little Cameron had no idea what was about to happen to him. I’m leaving this as a time capsule to almost.

2020 is going to be different.

For the first time ever, I’ve decided to have a singular vision (hah, jokes) and focus for an upcoming year. I’m not sure why I’ve never done it. Maybe laziness, maybe I thought it was hokey, maybe I just didn’t get it. Honestly, maybe I still don’t, but that’s me.

Anyway, for 2020, I did decide on a focus for the year, and it does happen to come in the form of one word. Ready? The word is impact.


Over the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time doing a lot of things. I’ve been creative, I’ve been a workaholic, I’ve been just plain busy and I’m a little exhausted.


Because I’ve been doing and doing and doing, but I’ve forgotten that I need to be diligent in the why. Does what I do provide value? Sometimes. Often it’s just fun or being creative for creativity’s sake. Which is a good thing, but I have this nasty habit of trying to make work out of nearly everything. But when I look back at the last few years, I notice that a lot of what I’ve made into work has had little to no lasting impact.

In 2020, I want to change that.


You may see me doing less of some things and more of others over the next year. Is that vague? Absolutely. I have no intention of being hush-hush secretive, it’s just that I honestly haven’t figured out all the answers yet. But I can tell you this one thing: my target on the wall is impact.

Time is short. Life is short. If I only have so much time to be effective on this earth, I want to make sure that am doing things that have a lasting impact. Here are a few ways that I personally plan to work toward those goals in 2020 and how they carry over to A Frank Voice and what you may see over the next year:

  1. Gospel Stewardship. God has given us the greatest gift imaginable: eternal life and relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. That gift is not something to be hoarded or stowed away for safekeeping. It is to be shared and spread and multiplied. Matthew 13:52 gives a great example of this when it describes someone who is trained for the Kingdom of Heaven is like “a master of a house who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” It’s the picture of a host bringing his most prized possessions to impress his guests, much like one might at a dinner party or other gathering. “You’ll never guess what I found at Target yesterday, come look!” We have been given the gift of the Gospel, may we always want to share it with the same fervor of a host seeking to impress his or her houseguests!

  2. Value and Resources. I want to share ideas, resources, and stories that will add value to what I do. I don’t want to waste your time or my own on things that may not have any significance at all past this present age. What does that mean? For one, right here at A Frank Voice you’re going to see more content and more meaningful content, including devotionals, relationship and parenting ideas, and valuable resources as we come across them. We will give away free resources through our newsletter that target specific areas that we feel led to explore and provide insight and motivation toward. Again, for us it’s a year of intentional impact.

  3. Book Ideas. We have a few more book ideas we’re hoping to flesh out as the year goes on. For one, we’re looking at releasing another free book for our newsletter that will help you study the Bible more effectively, regularly, and meaningfully. We hope to help you build time in the Word as a powerful habit that will change your life—because that’s what God’s Word does. We’re exploring a book on prayer, asking questions like, “How do people in the Bible pray? What do some of the most powerful prayers in Scripture have in common?” We’re also hoping to finally release High Places, the book I’ve been working on for a few years now.

    It’s going to be a big year for us and we’re excited to see what God’s going to do with it. We’re really grateful to have you alongside us and we ask that you pray for us and with us that we can have an impactful year in 2020!

Cameron Frank

Cameron Frank is the Media Pastor at Cherokee Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. He enjoys finding new and exciting ways to use technology and innovations to reach people with the Gospel like never before. In 2017, he founded A Frank Voice with his wife, Hailee as a encouragement ministry to families impacted by fostering. A Frank Voice has since grown into a ministry focused on helping others find freedom and purpose in faith and family.

Video Games and Values


How I'm Going to Own 2020