A Frank Voice

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How to Find Purpose in Faith and Family

Our mission and vision at A Frank Voice is two-fold: freedom and purpose in faith and family. We’ve discussed the freedom part of that, and how faith and family God’s way frees us up in ways we’d never expect.

Now we’re going to dive into the other element of our mission: purpose in faith and family. Now that we’ve found freedom and the burden of so much is lifted away, we’re free to pursue our purpose.

Faithful Purpose

What does purpose in faith mean? How does our faith inform our purpose? In Romans 5:1, we see that through our faith, we have peace with God. The natural turmoil we experience between us and our Heavenly Father as a result of our sinful nature has been quieted and made peaceful by what? By our faith.

So our faith has brought us into communion with eternity. Through faith, we can experience something wholly unique and permanent: eternal life. But in the meantime, we’re still here—temporal beings, flesh and blood, temporary vapors. So then, we have a job to do.

The question is simple: what is our job? Are we simply living to die, trying to help make the most of our short time here and hopefully make someone else’s life a little better while they do the same thing? Those are noble and significant aims, to be sure, and I don’t want to downplay that idea in the slightest. But there must be a bigger picture, if we truly believe in eternity.

So then, we endeavor to impact lives and make much of our time, but not only for the sake of this short journey through our earthly life, but we want to make an impact for what comes after. If we truly believe something comes after (it does) then eternity informs our purpose and aim.

That’s why we make disciples. That’s why we share the truths of Scripture. Not because we want control or influence or power or to make people more like us. We want to make people more like Him, ourselves included.

God doesn’t want anyone to experience eternal separation from Him, and we shouldn’t want that from people either. So, faith reveals our purpose: to save lives and help lives and point people to the immeasurable freedom of the Gospel.

Purpose in Family

In many ways, that flows directly into the second point, that of finding purpose in family. At the very beginning, when God created all things, He deemed it good for mankind to fill the Earth. But not simply for the sake of adding people and numbers to this rock.

We are supposed to make disciples, and to do so among our family first. At A Frank Voice, we truly believe that our family is our first ministry. Especially as parents, we are supposed to pour our everything into the ministry in our very own home first.

This goes for everyone who is part of a family, but especially for those with children. There is a growing movement to avoid “brainwashing” children—as in avoid telling them about the Bible and relaying the message of God to them until they’re old enough to decide for themselves. This is wrong on a few levels, and probably warrants a post all to itself, but in short, it’s our job as parent to equip our children to follow the Lord faithfully. We’re missing a significant part of our duty if we don’t point them toward truth.

Is it brainwashing a child to teach them not to touch a hot stove or should we instead wait for them to figure it out on their own when they’re old enough? Of course, if we care about our children, we don’t want them to get hurt.

In the same way, we fill them with the truths of Scripture at every turn, pointing them to the freedom of the Gospel every chance we get. We avoid staunch legalism and unhealthy rigidity of course, but we build them faithfully into a healthy faith in God. Much of our aim at A Frank Voice will be toward that endeavor: how do we build a healthy, Biblical faith into our families?

That’s our target on the wall. We want everything we do to glorify God and teach people how to glorify Him in their relationships and families. We want to provide helps and resources for people to grow in their walk and become more like Him.

At A Frank Voice, we find freedom and purpose in faith and family.