You’re terrible at reading the Bible.

I’ll get that elephant out of the room right off the bat. Don’t worry, so am I. We’re in this together. I know that may not be an encouraging start to your week, but statistically, it’s true.

If you’re here, you probably know that the Living Word of God is the most important resource on the planet, and you know that you need more of it.

We have more access to the Scriptures than any people in history, and yet statistically, we can’t be bothered to actually use it. I wonder if it’s because we know we’re supposed to read it, but we actually don’t know what to do with what we read.

So we wrote a book about it.

Word in Habit

Word in Habit is kind of like a prequel to Word in Heart, a book I wrote last year about Scripture memory. I think Scripture memory is pretty important, but if we’re not learning how to apply the immeasurable truths of Scripture to our daily life, we’re just filling our head with Bible trivia.

Our aim with this book is to equip you to see the Bible as the incredibly valuable resource that it is and how to get the most out of it. We’ll look at a few popular Bible study techniques and practices to help you approach the Word methodically and systematically. We want to fill your toolkit with all the resources you could need in order to stir a hunger and a thirst for the Word of God and learn how to apply deep meaning and supernatural insight to your everyday life.

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We’ll look at a few specific methods for a personal Bible study or quiet time, such as:

Our goal is for this to be a practical resource you can use to get started and build a lifelong habit of consistent time in the Word—as well as a resource you can share with others to help them know how to get started.

As such, it’s a short book—it should only take you a couple of hours to read the whole thing—we don’t want to weigh the book down with too many details. We want it to a simple, approachable resource that will help you find your way to a habit that will change your life.